Fall Kickoff Sunday September 11th | Save the Date!

It’s hard to believe it, but we’re just a few short weeks away from the beginning of our Fall Ministry season! This fall, we have a lot of exciting things in store at The Mission including the launch of new Pathways Cohorts, the start of 4 new Regional Small Groups, the opportunity to join new ministry serving teams and more!

We also know that August and September are months when our church gets a lot of newcomers: folks who have recently moved to Cincinnati looking for a worshiping community, and those who have lived here for a long time who are thinking about trying church for the first time, reconnecting with a congregation after a long time away, or simply looking for a new local church home that better fits where they are in their discipleship journey.

We are setting aside Sunday September 11th to celebrate the start of the Fall Ministry Season. We’ll focus on sharing all the many opportunities for next steps of connection in our midst, and we’ll have a catered party to welcome newcomers with fabulous food and beautiful space to hang out and meet folks in our community.

More details coming soon, but for now, save the date for a special Fall Kickoff Sunday of Worship on Sunday September 11th! Worship Service at 9:30 AM as usual at House of Joy, followed by a special party at the Burnet Woods Bandstand at 11 AM!

All are welcome and the more the merrier, so if you have someone you’ve been wanting to invite to The Mission or you’ve been considering checking out our church, we’d love to invite you to join us!

Questions? Contact william@missioncincinnati.org


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